Wednesday, April 1, 2020

House/Home Revisited

Right now, the idea of 'Home' is on my mind. 

A few years ago, I worked at the AGP facilitating a series of art classes with new Canadians who had come to Canada as refugees. We explored the concept of 'Home' by creating tiny houses out of paper, clay, and found objects. 
The house template below was used as a starting point.
It's not really meant to be realistic, but rather, a sculpture suggesting the idea of

Due to limited supplies, (as I am here at home, and most of my art/craft papers are at the AGP), I used wrapping paper and glued it (using a gluestick)  onto 110 lb. drawing paper, to give it more weight. Cardstock is ideal, as is 12" x 12" decorative scrapbooking paper.

I am as interested in the two-dimensional flat pattern as I am in the assembled houses. 
But the basic house, when folded, can be made again and again, and used to create a little village. 
Cut out doors and windows, if desired.
Try watercolour paper as your base if you'd like to use w/c paints, acrylics, markers, etc., to enhance your tiny house decor. 

I used tape (clear or masking) to stick the flat plan into a three-dimensional house. Score the folds well to create sharp wall and roof lines. I taped it together on the inside. It is a bit fiddly, but remember that the idea is not to have perfection, only character - the essence of 'House/Home'.

The tiny houses were also a big hit with students from Alternatives at the AGP,
pictured above.
We built our own little community!

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